José Delamano García: Colias croceus (11)
jmaphotography: NEW YEAR'S DAY LANDING! ... (DSC_3888)
yvescourt123: Mésange à tête noire !
Judy Gallagher: Whooper Swan - Cygnus cygnus, Swan Lake Iris Gardens, Sumter, South Carolina, December 6, 2023
corkruijf: geoorde fuut 05 flikr
baechli58: Brahmini Kite
Nina_Ali: Meerkat!
seppomie: Garrulus glandarius - Eurasian jay
MalcedoP: Chevalier cul-blanc
Tom Keene: 1008_1_1
Brunswick Forge: 2022.09.18.0906.Z7II Egyptian Goose
gille33: Cériagrion délicat (3).
Bernard Fabbro: grosbec casse-noyaux ♂ / hawfinch 24O_3426
pennny41: Blackbird (f)
John Arthur Thompson: Red-knobbed Coot (Fulica cristata)
Mobile Lynn: Hoopoe leaving the nest 902_9484.jpg
Bruno Morcel: Mésange bleue Cyanistes caeruleus - Eurasian Blue Tit
Greatoutdoorman: Having a stretch
Lakes4life: Little Owl In Flight 2 Jun 2024
Linda Martin Photography: Black Hooded Parakeets
malioli: Eurasian chaffinch, Zeba
Jeanda.60: Pouillot Véloce_27
Richard Collier - Wildlife and Travel Photography: Greylag - Anser anser 291224 (14) F
Nicopope: Etourneau en hiver
andriot.jac: Heure bleue. Hérault. couleurs naturelles
hartlfriedrich030: Birken im Reif Männlicher Sperber - Male sparrow haw (Accipiter nisus)