irelaia: Little Owl
sylvain.messier: Petits-ducs maculés juvéniles | Domaine Saint-Paul | Île-des-Soeurs | Arrondissement Verdun | Montréal [Explore | 2018-08-15 | M01]
jciv: Twisted Sunset
Mitch Vanbeekum Photography: Expect The Unexpected! (Snowy Owl) - Explored
roy rimmer: Little Owl.
Eric Gofreed: Western Tanager
T@hir'S Photography: Great rosefinch
Nigel Hodson: Neotropic Cormorant
Thomas Shahan: Phidippus audax Female jumping Spider
Thomas Shahan: Male Jumping Spider (Hypaeus benignus?) - Cayo District, Belize
Tome Rodrigo: Metallic alien
Tome Rodrigo: Jumping spider from Machu Picchu
Tome Rodrigo: Dorcus parallelipipedus
Tome Rodrigo: Little metalic wasp (2mm) 13x
Tome Rodrigo: Fruit fly 13x
Tome Rodrigo: Metalic damselfly (Calopteryx splendens) male
Tome Rodrigo: Big eyes
Tome Rodrigo: The head of a Crane fly (tipula)
userofreality: Ellegantly Blue
@Mark_Eveleigh: Girl from Panama City
jciv: Tree Frog
jciv: Zoe
babykailan: Best thing after sliced bread
oOcekaOo [Catchin' up]: In-flight B777
Derekwin: bokeh warrior