Tito Herrera: My Bag
chet gordon: West Point Graduation coverage. 23•May•09
merkley???: Fake Caught Mid Business in a Nightclub Toilet Stall With Yellow Shoes Pointing Out a Black Brassiere & Big Boned Ham w/ Disconnected Headphones on a Purple Floor as a Corn Cob Flat Endedly Points Back
odonoughue: Downtown
timpweb: reyna02
timpweb: reyna03b
herbpunk: post4x5
photogeek133: Bag of Toys
photogeek133: Strobist VW GTI v2.0
Rui M Leal: All My Gear in 2 Bags
SharpWits: My PJ Equipment-0003
The Library of Congress: An American pineapple, of the kind the Axis finds hard to digest, is ready to leave the hand of an infantryman in training at Fort Belvoir, Va. American soldiers make good grenade throwers (LOC)
Stefan Didak: The (new) Famous Home Office
Stealthy Ninja: True 5DmkII
casch52: I Pledge Allegiance 3548
ankehuber: Tramp
Buddha's Ghost: The Deal
:: Artie | Photography ::: Pouring with Colours :: HDR
Tom D: IMG_6450
saikiishiki: in the hood
Arciteka: Remember
Tim Ertl: Great Balls of Fire
Tim Ertl: Correfoc
hbp_pix: Ma'alea Aquarium
sonja_valentina: o que resta