Got to love this kid. Christopher rocked tonight with a little self-feeding with a spoon (which is too long for him to boot). We are so proud of him. A tooth yesterday, some strides in self-feeding with puffs over the holidays and now using a spoon. Whil
Yeah, I'm turning into one of those people who take pictures of food. But this is some good Minestrone.
Let's celebrate hand washing by promoting the touching another person's dirty germ filled hand. Hoorah!
We went around town today practicing going potty at various public places - no accidents all day long! Go Joshua!!
It's been a long first full day with no diapers. Four accidents even with going just about every hour on the hour. We will go out in the morning to explore outside potties with only one outfit. Let's hope it goes well. I can say I am ready to put on this
A little love between a mother and her son, with just a touch of super glue supplied by mommy, equals one awesome gingerbread house.
The legal warning located on the top of Thor's hammer (and a 3 yr old photographer in the background)
Although I am way out of practice, I know I'm still a photographer at heart because I can still see things that most people just walk on by without noticing. This was seen at my kids' daycare. Lovely sentiment, don't you think?