Rockspindeln: Sommarkväll. 🏄
alexstoddard: The Hunting Party.
Rockspindeln: Bamsy
Rockspindeln: Helen
garygophoto: JP Gazmuri
Rockspindeln: Ser fram emot att vakna här i sommar!
Rockspindeln: Saknar den här killen!
Elin Ivemo: my heart in your hands
Elin Ivemo: pastel cup
Elin Ivemo: cinnamon bokeh
thomas_wikstrom: Brännboll
Anders Adermark: Cell Phone Photo
derbyq: am i bokeh or a mirage?
bethechange21: 177/365 - sometimes endings are new beginnings....
NyYankee: Hollywood LightStorm
NyYankee: She's Gone
littlemisspatricia: Cast No Shadows
jk5854: Day 246: I Never Loved You, CPU
*Peanut (Lauren): downtown boston traffic bokeh
daffie @ flickr: cat and the city
doublecappuccino: Tim on the Curb in North Beach
h.andras_xms: 1Ds in the field
Oliver Th.: roundabout
Deirdre B: 133/366