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albums of Lynnifer
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Ashley's Birthday Weekend 2012
Vancouver 2010
Smash Putt
Debo's Dallas De Day
Kristina's Bachelorette
Labor Day 2009
Veronica's 30th
RC Cola get engaged!
UK, Ireland, Italy, Austria
my birthday / our housewarming
April Bonspiel
in the AZ January 2009
snowy December
Debo's ferry/skate/tatoo/pizza/ferry birthday extraveganza
Portland Open Studios
City vs. Country Party
milking the end of summer
Wild Waves for Ryan's birthday
endurance fun
summer vacation
Rachel & Lizzie's send-off BBQ
in between the tables...
late March / early April
Carmen's birthday in Portland
Lena's B'day / JayLena's Housewarming
P'Town for Tyler's 30th
Jay & Lena get hitched
in the AZ January 2008
New Years Eve 2007/2008
Martyrmaker Brand Fadok Flambe
"Summer in Seattle" party
12 Pubs of Christmas Crawl 2007
Septem-Octo-Novem-ber 2007
Labor Day Trip 2007
Lake St Claire/Mustache Day
Col/Andrea birthday in Portlandia
July 2007
Golden Gardens for Stacy's birthday
Eric's off to the end of the rainbow
"European Party" (#1)
the gemini twin/alter ego birthday
June 2007
New York
St Patrick's Day
in the AZ March 2007
New Year's Eve Prom Party
Anti-Christmas Party
Lie Cheat & Steal Murder Mystery
November 2006
Andy's farewell weekend
Doe Bay
Labor Day 2006 (Seaside)
Reno's Birthday Reno Surprise
Manchester Fuel Depot July 2006
boating in Beyonce
San Francisco July 2006
camping at Bay View July 2006
Anchor retreat 2006 in Leavenworth
Veronica's Bachelorette Party
VerJonica's Honeymoon Shower
Rock em Sock em Box em
12 Pubs of Christmas Crawl
Jay's Dreads
Halloween 2005
2005 Okanogan Barterfair
the garden!
scanned polaroids
street art
Deepsleep Narcotics Co stuff
more stuff!