Lynnifer: preparations
Lynnifer: Deb-u-tank
Lynnifer: cupcakes!
Lynnifer: Diego (the amputee breakdancer) and Jo-Ray (fo real)
Lynnifer: dirty old man #2 and the Debutank
Lynnifer: dirty old man #1
Lynnifer: Tom-from-the-future
Lynnifer: the surfer and the shark
Lynnifer: Feather, the tapdancer
Lynnifer: the bro
Lynnifer: StreetJay and Lena (with her dead twin)
Lynnifer: Beth-from-the-past and Tom-from-the-future
Lynnifer: Jo-Ray
Lynnifer: the bro and one of my salty dogs
Lynnifer: Feather and a golden girl
Lynnifer: playing cowboys and indians
Lynnifer: is that a couch you're wearing?
Lynnifer: no, sir, I don't like it
Lynnifer: kitchen shenanegans
Lynnifer: hmmm?
Lynnifer: TeamCaptain
Lynnifer: MilitaryMan and his IndianGirl
Lynnifer: porchy
Lynnifer: Howdy!
Lynnifer: Minerva
Lynnifer: eek!
Lynnifer: sleepytimebeth
Lynnifer: jay on a hanger
Lynnifer: austin found a new bedmate