hlh 1960: BIRNEN UND HEUBALLEN 20230729_131629
jamie heiden: Pretty Please Too
Tommy’s Mag.: Monica Vitti (1931-2022)
Alexander Tkachev: still life 36 (2017)
micalngelo: Daydreamer
micalngelo: The Boonies
raf6x6: Facing the Winter F_B 016
Alexander Tkachev: "I just wanted to say..."
Frabog: t(h)ree friends
kgschoening: DSC00609 edit 1 4x6
Steve Walser: Oasis Motel
Distressed Textures: Texture Lovers Big Bundle
micalngelo: Mistress of the Dark
Jim_ATL: still life with nectarine
Jerry T Patterson: Stormy Monument Valley Sunrise
Jerry T Patterson: Milky Way Seascape
Jerry T Patterson: Balanced Rock Autumn Milky Way
Jerry T Patterson: Iwo Jima Memorial Mily Way
Jerry T Patterson: Monument To The Milky Way
Jerry T Patterson: US Capital Reflecting Pool Milky Way