Maurice Biggins: Still Life with Brass and Lavender
Jackie ...: Some gold ribbon bokeh …
lawatt: same as the previous, but 20mm lens
horticultural art: 52201 Ginkgo biloba
Magda Bognar: Morning on the Farm
raewillow: April Showers
Eric Lafforgue: Portrait of a wakhi nomad woman, Big pamir, Wakhan, Afghanistan
R J Poole - The Anima Series: The last thing I will remember
roadkill rabbit: immaculate heart.
Hel Des: Les ondes
lawatt: Naustvík, again
smulaxx: Smoky quartz on Fluorite
freuzel: 2018_0629_13004200
sara silver: Spring-Egret
Albin Françon: l’Éléphant
Photonistan: Silver Flower buds OR Dusty Miller/ Silver Ragwort-Macro
GC - Photography: Sahara desert
koen_jacobs: Shredder
Paul Grand: three girls running
Frau Koriander: [Menorca] wave
jen_cart: Seedpod book (unfolded)
sara silver: Winter Carpet
tricia mckellar: I remember what the water said
morkumentary: Lensbaby-Florence, Italy
Marinda_95: Last of Winter
charhedman: A song to sing
alan shapiro photography: untitled-8.jpg