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It's me Sajid: Wooden Door
It's me Sajid: Dome View of Mall of Emirates
ardvorak79: Together Through It All
roy rimmer: Great news today my image of the Barn Owl won the Birdguides picture of the year, check out Birdguides site on FB , there was some cracking images selected for the finals, well done to all the photographers who entered.
roy rimmer: Still working with the Wood Mice in the garage.
roy rimmer: Another from the rustic project, Wren.
roy rimmer: Wood mouse
roy rimmer: Another addition to my Garden Safari project, a baby Jumping Spider in a Convolvulus flower, when fully grown these eight-legged creatures are small, reaching a size of just 8mm.
roy rimmer: Little Owl from the archives.
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udronotto: monte Flickr
IsideWei: La via del Tao o il Tao è la via?
IsideWei: Tetti Wei Bao San
Marla_lu: Reading makes me so sleepy
megathud: Ils sont fous ces Romains !
megathud: Ils sont fous ces Romains (2)