. ruinenstaat:
. unbefugt
control room VI
C h я i s t ø p h K l i n g ɛ r:
C E L L 4
. ruinenstaat:
. these boots are made for walking
. ruinenstaat:
. nerd control
a classic abandoned russian officer casino in Tbilissi
Jonnie Lynn Lace:
Adler Hotel
JG - Instants of light:
Nightmare Club
MGness / urbexery.com:
A gray day provides the best light.
Le regards des autres
MGness / urbexery.com:
Climate Change is Here.
RA Photography / Deadworld:
Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it. Michelangelo
Jonnie Lynn Lace:
Seashell State Hospital
Behind Closed Doors Urbex:
Reflections of Power
Andy Schwetz ( andyschwetz,de):
dolce vita
Graceful Decay:
MGness / urbexery.com:
Once in a while, in the middle of an ordinary life… love gives us a fairy tale.
Sean M Richardson:
House of Relics
Zinc-ing ships
Dawid Rajtak:
MGness / urbexery.com:
there are plenty more fish in the sea
RA Photography / Deadworld:
Faith is trusting God even when you don’t understand his plan