- Renee -: joyful
- Renee -: helper 44.52
- Renee -: legs 34.52
le minkey: After the Groom - Tired Poo Boy
- Renee -: ella
lesliezemenek: Freshly Groomed Face
- Renee -: let it snow 46/52
storeknut: My father
meg price: 10/12 Happy 11th Birthday Barney!
meg price: 43/52 Into the Wind
storeknut: How can they not be interested in these views?
SpooAddicts & the SpooCrew: Is the 4th one for me? 19/52
meg price: 3/12 Bouncy Barney!
storeknut: Railed views save lifes
meg price: 13/52 In Action
2-Dog-Farm: Everything tastes better with bacon ❤️
SpooAddicts & the SpooCrew: 16/52~"Where dogs shouldn't be" ~The Dog Food Freezer!
SpooAddicts & the SpooCrew: The Stealth of the Poodle 6/52
meg price: 6/52 Flying Through The Woods
meg price: 15/52 Flying Flynn
rubyblossom.: Flower, Power...
storeknut: Working dog
storeknut: One freezing, one not
dave dube': Hey, it's cold outside...!
SpooAddicts & the SpooCrew: Who needs these poodles? 49/52
rubyblossom.: Winter Moon.
storeknut: Friendship
storeknut: Storm is back
le minkey: Post-Spa Relackin' 10.24.15
meg price: 39/52 Please, sir, I want some more.