2-Dog-Farm: Mana at the North Pole?
2-Dog-Farm: Click on the "love" button if you found Mana ♥️
2-Dog-Farm: Seeing double 🐐🐐
2-Dog-Farm: easy peasy potato curry 😚
2-Dog-Farm: Mana pretty paws ♥️
2-Dog-Farm: fried chicken & sticky rice
2-Dog-Farm: IMG_20191004_190153_705
2-Dog-Farm: it's too cold here to be handsome!
2-Dog-Farm: it's a pork salad kinda day 😋
2-Dog-Farm: simply fish'licious 💕#fish #seafood #deepfried
2-Dog-Farm: Ground beef chili wraps 😋💕
2-Dog-Farm: It's in the eyes, always in the eyes
2-Dog-Farm: A wet misty day, doesn't keep the dog away, from the beautiful weeds 💕
2-Dog-Farm: with the misty rain, the apples have been falling, time to eat organic 💕😋#apples
2-Dog-Farm: Always someone to lean on 😚
2-Dog-Farm: Just a girl who loves a sweet goat 💕
2-Dog-Farm: Birds of a feather flock together 😊
2-Dog-Farm: Home is where Mana is 💕#Mana #Tibetanmastiff #gentlegiant #female #dog #happy
2-Dog-Farm: Cranky cat--Tigerlily
2-Dog-Farm: Two cute little faces ❤️
2-Dog-Farm: The late afternoon sunlight...❤️
2-Dog-Farm: Your hair is 90% of your selfie? What??! I have hair?! Who knew?---baby ❤️
2-Dog-Farm: Think I need one size smaller?
2-Dog-Farm: The twins ❤️
2-Dog-Farm: Hello world, we are here!! ❤️
2-Dog-Farm: Watch me do this mommy!❤️
2-Dog-Farm: Remember when you sneezed & your mommy comes running type moment?❤️
2-Dog-Farm: Like my socks? They're original & one of a kind ❤️
2-Dog-Farm: BLT anyone? ♥️