Robin Dude: The Rapture According to Capitalism
Barbra G1: Bashful sml
Black Cat Photos: 5, 6, pick up sticks
dawndm: pinemarten
Black Cat Photos: little hitchhiker
malckingfisher: Kingfisher's Dinner
John Skouros: M31 - Andromeda Galaxy
hirocun: Pleiades with FSQ-106ED and EOS 5D-AP August 2007
Sindri Skúlason: Bohemian-Waxwing (Silkitoppa)-3-E
Davies up North: The Original Flying Lamb (still at Explore #10 love her)
hypergenesb: Moon (annotated)
mattie_shoes: We like the moooooon (heavily annotated Harvest Moon, 10/6/2006)
hvhe1: The leading man
hvhe1: The underdog
hvhe1: His calling..
Pat Ulrich: Sleeping sandpipers
Red~Star: Spikey Starling~
straight from the den: ***STOP PRESS*** SNOW LEOPARD sighted on BRUNTSFIELD LINKS
neloqua: Sorry Neloqua, I'm in a hurry playing hide and seek!
blackpuddinonnabike: Carrion Crow Surveying Edinburgh Waxwings in Northumberland
Steve Greaves: Robin and Dunnock Fighting Over their Favourite Perch 5
Imapix: In Memoriam
PMMPhoto: The Magic Garden III
dopiaza: Autumn Apples
César Jiménez: You light my way