euyoung: 旗艦手機拍照筆記:Google Pixel 4 | 52
euyoung: 旗艦手機拍照筆記:Google Pixel 4 | 06
Steve the HongKonger: Nikon PC-Nikkor 28mm 1:4 on Hasselblad XPAN
sim3000: 三立 一家人 形象封面拍攝
Electric Soup: Sunset over Limping Xhao’s wheelchair factory. Wufeng Township. Formosa.
Gzooh: Three Monks on a Bridge
supertaiwan: P1000274
supertaiwan: P1000378
supertaiwan: P1010079
art-light-project by Steven R.: gelato italiano is simply the best ( licking synchronously )
Ext-Or: Memories..
trekok, enjoying: Yellowstone Dawn
Christian Wilt: Colors of Burano
Rohan Reilly Photography: Soul in Motion
J McSporran: Time to say Goodbye
Marcela McGreal: East Broadway - NYC
karospictures: For Berlin
AmberBeCool: 太極拳 #taiji
lawa: A101491_36A
James.Baron: Sunrise over a Field of Goldenrod II
ducatidave60: Murphy radio
Canadapt: 'Waiting'
CarolynEaton: Lunch. Africa.
Lothbrok's Yen: PeaceOnEarth
eyetwist: mirror. desert center, ca. 2015.