photofiend358: Waitin’
rampx: Manekineko
rampx: Hana
junku: #ねこ部 #エリザベスカラー
Eric Lafforgue: Young Himba Girl With Ethnic Hairstyle, Epupa, Namibia
Eric Lafforgue: Afar man with butter in his hair, Ethiopia
melissann: 25 Days of Christmas - Day 14
jeffcbowen: 200/200 - Paula
Eric Lafforgue: Kid from kurdish village of Palangan, Iran
George Eastman Museum: Girl with doll, holding mother's hand
Eric Lafforgue: Woman With Muciro Face Mask, Ibo Island, Mozambique
Alejandro Mirsha.: Happy pug, happy humans.
gilghana: Cub with the ear of a Lechwe
junku: _MG_6395
Eric Lafforgue: Eritrean Woman With A Traditional Hairstyle, Massawa, Eritrea
*lalalaurie: DSC_0055
Eric Lafforgue: Child from Omo tribe with flowers, omo, korcho, Ethiopia
swim notes: handspun yarn
Animal Connection 2009: Soldiers and Cats
junku: _MG_9850
fofurasfelinas: Miss beauty!
fannybunda: Erin and the Sign of the Devil
Totally Severe: Amy Winehouse embroidery
Ben Heine: Family Kiss