Jake Lester Photography: Glen Brittle, Isle of Skye, Scotland, 2023
Tony Tooth: YonderView
- AdelheidS Photography -: Moritzburg Castle Sunset, Germany
Think James Photo: Look Over London
Images from the Shire: Eilean Donan castle
Ton van der Weerden: Draaksteken-2016-282
Wontolla65: Bosmina
R. Francis: Juvenile Bearded Dragon
Wim Boon Fotografie: platbuik - flat belly - (Libellula depressa)
Gladys Klip: Kroeskoppelikaan / Dalmation pelican / Pélican frisé
hvhe1: The glory days
hvhe1: Making his mark
Vincent L°: Amanita rubescens - Amanite rougissante, Golmotte
Mikel Tapia: Bisporella citrina
evideerf2002: myxomycete
evideerf2002: Trichia decipiens
Doniu1: Trichia decipiens DSC_6227
BiteYourBum.Com Photography: Orange Cup (Melastiza chateri)
Gladys Klip: Torenvalk / Kestrel / Faucon crécerelle
Vincent L°: Les bleus
menko87: cortinarius spec
BiteYourBum.Com Photography: Starfish Stinkhorn aka Anemone Stinkhorn (Aseroe rubra)
def357: [explore] Scotland
Gladys Klip: Steenuil / Little Owl / Chevêche d'Athéna
menko87: porcelain fungus
hvhe1: Danger above
Angle-of-Attack: Devils Garden
hvhe1: Pied in pastels