Matt Buckingham: The Ambush
jimf_29605: Calopogon tuberosus (Common Grass-pink orchid) forma albiflorus with just a touch of purple on one of the petals [Explored 2020-06-08]
Matt Buckingham: Birdfoot Violet
sonnia hill: Monotropa uniflora - black center shows fruit
jimf_29605: Isotria verticillata (Large Whorled Pogonia orchid)
jimf_29605: Isotria verticillata (Large Whorled Pogonia orchid)
Layla Dishman: Viola palmata
jimf_29605: Recent pictures from our mountain cabin in North Carolina -- the Elk River [Explore 2017-12-15]
Matt Buckingham: Riddell's Spike-Moss
Matt Buckingham: Jewel of the Forest Floor
Matt Buckingham: Great Plains Ladies' Tresses
Tibor Nagy: Phidippus clarus jumping spider with prey
venwu225: Eastern Cottontail, Sylvilagus floridanus
jimf_29605: Triphora trianthophoros (Three-birds orchid)
Matt Buckingham: Hill Country Penstemon
Matt Buckingham: Flowering Dogwood
Matt Buckingham: Two-winged Silverbell
Matt Buckingham: Springtime in the Pineywoods
norm's f-stop: Slender Glass Lizard
norm's f-stop: Slender Glass Lizard
Antshrike1: Common Hoopoe Baxi 9-14-15 955A4151
Antshrike1: Bonapartes Gull Boca Chica 2-22-16 955A5664
Antshrike1: Northern Parula SPI 4-3-16 955A8677
Antshrike1: Great Purple Hairstreak NBC 3-2-16 955A7375
jimf_29605: Erythronium umbilicatum (Dimpled Trout Lily)
jimf_29605: Erythronium umbilicatum (Dimpled Trout Lily)
norm's f-stop: Waterfall
norm's f-stop: Meigs Falls