norm's f-stop:
Stray Cat
norm's f-stop:
Tricolored Heron
norm's f-stop:
King Rail
norm's f-stop:
White and White-faced Ibises and a Great Egret
norm's f-stop:
American White Pelican
norm's f-stop:
Vermilion Flycatcher
norm's f-stop:
American Coot
norm's f-stop:
Green-winged Teal
norm's f-stop:
Belted Kingfisher
norm's f-stop:
norm's f-stop:
norm's f-stop:
Coopers Hawk
norm's f-stop:
Coopers Hawk
norm's f-stop:
Crested Caracara
norm's f-stop:
Short-eared Owl
norm's f-stop:
norm's f-stop:
White-tailed Deer
norm's f-stop:
Short-eared Owl
norm's f-stop:
Black-crowned Night Heron
norm's f-stop:
Little Blue Heron
norm's f-stop:
Wilson's Snipe
norm's f-stop:
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker #1
norm's f-stop:
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker #2
norm's f-stop:
Turkey Vulture
norm's f-stop:
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher
norm's f-stop:
Pied-billed Grebes
norm's f-stop:
King Rail
norm's f-stop:
Forster's Tern
norm's f-stop:
Crested Caracara
norm's f-stop:
Burrowing Owl