GraffStoleMyLife: Gotcha Gimer
DonCampeon: London E1+E2 2014 - by Tizer / Hands of Doom (HOD)
NewYorkStreetArt: Later HOD
Dep........ { }: Fresh paint at Stockwell...
Oddio: IMG_5399
Wet Paint Opera: Keyd, Linus and Gimer
quiet-silence: Linus/Kozy/Jeloe
pEDRO[SOoS]: pornographological bonsai tattoo on the enlightened señor tiago @gonefishing_tattoo muito obrigado pela visita abracos :)
DENOTATTOO: A little bit different a little more Classic
pEDRO[SOoS]: not just doing sleeves in st ghislain, freehand filler on mr jeremy see again in 8 years dude :) la main bleue chronicles
pEDRO[SOoS]: prisioner of books... thanks for the drive guys :) nice to meet
Revise_D: Linus
carnagenyc: Hitop Linus
GraffStoleMyLife: Lynus Hekto
Wet Paint Opera: Vicious, Gotcha
Anything for thee Shot: Just some train tracks 3
BOBROSS75: Linus Freight
el stranger: Hekto - Linus
quiet-silence: Hitop/Linus