Linus O'Malley: Folded Marvin the Martian up last week๐Ÿ‘ฝ. Email #blacklisttattoo #portlandtattoo #portlandtattoos #stumptownpigmentco #blackclawneedle
Linus O'Malley: Some people just know how to pick em! Email for appointments or stop by @blacklist_tattoo #blacklisttattoo #portlandtattoo #portlandtattoos #stumptownpigmentco #blackclawneedle
Linus O'Malley: Shapes on knees #blacklisttattoo #portlandtattoo #portlandtattoos #blackclawneedle #stumptownpigmentco
Linus O'Malley: All healed and settling in nice.
Linus O'Malley: Saw another one healed. to get you one!
Linus O'Malley: Healed one from a while back. Email- #oldlines #portlandtattoo #stumptownpigmentco #eagleviewtattooproducts #blackclawneedle
Linus O'Malley: ๐ŸŒนstill life skin painting healed. ๐Ÿ“ง #blacklisttattoo #portlandtattoo #stumptownpigmentco #blackclawneedle #eagleviewtattooproducts
Linus O'Malley: It's my walk-in flash day as like every Sunday @blacklist_tattoo ! I've got tons of new designs I really want to make for you. #portlandtattoo #blacklisttattoo call the shop or stop on in.
Linus O'Malley: Dayz off! #blacklisttattoo #portlandtattoo #stumptownpigmentco #blackclawneedle #eagleviewtattooproducts email linusomalley for appointments. Or just hit the contact button in my bio or stop by @blacklist_tattoo
Linus O'Malley: Blazing reaper #blacklisttattoo #portlandtattoo #stumptownpigmentco #blackclawneedle #eagleviewtattooproducts email for appointments
Linus O'Malley: ๐Ÿ‰ #blacklisttattoo #portlandtattoo #stumptownpigmentco #blackclawneedle or @blacklist_tattoo for appointments
Linus O'Malley: Fun start to the work week. #portland #portlandtattoo #blacklisttattoo #stumptownpigmentco #blackclawneedle email linusomalley for appointment availability
Linus O'Malley: Started some really neat things this week. Looking forward to finishing them. #blacklisttattoo #portlandtattoo #stumptownpigmentco
Linus O'Malley: Spotted in the wild while I was in slc thanks again @brandonhuckabey good seeing you again!
Linus O'Malley: Fun one from our 8th anniversary. I'll be at the #slctattooconvention this weekend. I still have time available so either come get tattooed or prepare for heckling, either way. Dm or email to book.
Linus O'Malley: Re painting a favorite sheet that I had previously gifted to my good pal @mikefite #trflash #portland #portlandtattoo #portlandtattoos for appointments email or stop by @blacklist_tattoo in person
Linus O'Malley: A painting I made of designs that are used for making tattoos. #portland #portlandtattoos #portlandtattoo #realtattoos #oldlines #trflash
Linus O'Malley: Got to add this little spider pal to the big homie @arbekoglts arm while he was hear. It was great seeing you dude. It had been too long!! #portland #portlandtattoo #portlandtattoos #spidertattoo #stumptownpigmentco
Linus O'Malley: @obritztattoos got this sweet Jesus! #blacklisttattoo #portland #portlandtattoos #blackclawneedles #stumptownpigmentco #americanatattoos #traditionaltattoos #ourlordandsavior #eccefeminae
Linus O'Malley: Finished this gal the other day. Some fresh some healed #portland #portlandtattoos #blacklisttattoo #medusa
Linus O'Malley: Really fun drawn on walk in today. Have a great road trip, thanks for stopping in!!! #portland #stumptownpigmentco #blackclawneedles #blacklisttattoo #portlandtattoos
Linus O'Malley: Made today. #blacklisttattoo #portland #rosecity #portlandtattoos #americanatattoos #stumptownpigmentco #blackclawneedles #peace #love #hope
Linus O'Malley: Started this last year. I know we are close to finishing, Maybe this winter!๐Ÿ˜‰ it's that time of year to start larger work again. I've got a bunch of backs, fronts and everything that goes in between laid out and ready for you. #blacklisttattoo #portl
Linus O'Malley: Thanks for dropping by Dylan. Walk-ins all day. Tons of designs to choose from. #portland #pnwonderland #pnw #portlandtattoos #traditionaltattoo #americanatattoos #stumptownpigmentco #orientalred
Linus O'Malley: Walk-in day @blacklist_tattoo let's do something fun. #portland #rosecity #pnwonderland #portlandtattoos
Linus O'Malley: Finished this one today. Goin up on the walls tomorrow. #blacklisttattoo #portland #portlandtattoos #tattooflash walk-ins all day tomorrow first come first served. Just like every other Sunday before it.
Linus O'Malley: More new stuff being prepared for all your tattoo needs. Walk-ins almost always everyday. #portland #tattooflash #blacklisttattoo for appointments email or stop by @blacklist_tattoo
Linus O'Malley: Walk-ins or appointments almost always every day sometimes. #portland #portlandtattoos #portlandtattoo #stumptownpigmentco #blackclawneedles #eagleviewtattooproducts #americanatattoos #oldlines #radtrad
Linus O'Malley: Made at the @pnwtattooexpo yesterday. My appointment @blacklist_tattoo today cancelled so I have time for walk-ins. Tons of designs to choose from. #portland #portlandtattoos #portlandtattoo #blacklisttattoo #americanatattoos #eagleviewtattooproducts #bla
Linus O'Malley: Classic eagle done today @blacklist_tattoo thanks Sam! #portlandtattoos #americanatattoos #stumptownpigmentco #blackclawneedles #eagleviewtattooproducts #portlandtattoo #blacklisttattoo #americanatattoos #oldlines