ProSession: Low sun, melted frost and just an added touch of blue haze on these dreamy grasses.
ProSession: Heavy frost last night
ProSession: Starling
ProSession: River Cam, early morning Newnham
ProSession: River Cam from Fort St George Bridge
ProSession: Llanberis early morning
ProSession: Climbing Yr Wydddfa (Snowdon)
ProSession: Slate museum, Llanberis. Amgueddfa lechi.
ProSession: Mallard drake contemplating his next move
ProSession: Mallard duckling, few days old
ProSession: Day old moorhen chick
ProSession: Frothy, lacy and thick with bubbles
ProSession: Cascading water in Dent, Cumbria
ProSession: Echinacea seed head
ProSession: Leonorus sibirica
ProSession: Cosmos
ProSession: Canna indica flower and fruits
ProSession: A garden in Peebles
ProSession: Patterns of rust
ProSession: Victoria cruziana waterlily flower.
ProSession: Liquidamber
ProSession: Helichrysum bracteatum
ProSession: Contemplation, sitting on a church wall
ProSession: Orchid - Coelogyne speciosa
ProSession: Mallards
ProSession: Late summer lushness, heavy showers and shades of sunset
ProSession: Red Dahlias
ProSession: Coral slime mould
ProSession: Porcellio wood louse
ProSession: A little white speck on the back of a green slug turns out be a larva of sorts. The magic of macro photography!