marcialc: "Everybody carries a piece of the puzzle. Nobody comes into your life by mere coincidence. Trust your instincts. Do the unexpected. Find the others." ~ Timothy Leary (Born October 22, 1920) Rest is one of the hardest lessons I am learning. Going to bed be
Berkeley Center for New Media: 2019 Fall BCNM Open House
Berkeley Center for New Media: 2019 Fall BCNM Open House
Gideon Burton: My_Ed_My_Mix
catherinecronin: Warsaw
Paco CT: Natural light show
46137: #springbreak2019 Day 3. Slightly asymmetrical bob 💇‍♀️
catherinecronin: Ireland v. Italy (Six Nations Rugby)
catherinecronin: La Campana... exquisito!
Hautatzen: P1100591
Hautatzen: P1100634
Hautatzen: P1100567
Hautatzen: P1100582
Hautatzen: P1100600
Hautatzen: P1100603
Hautatzen: P1100633
Hautatzen: P1100635
Hautatzen: P1100569
torresk: Reunited! Planning a #10yearsafter #PLEConf Who is in??? #PLE
46137: It was an honor and a privilege to be Dr. Carmen Richardson’s advisor. Ho'omaika'i ‘ana Carmen - can’t wait to celebrate in December. 💕💕
46137: ❤️💛my EdD teammates ❤️💛
zigazou76: Paperasse
Art Dino: My first love was twelve years old and the black nails...
marcialc: The advice we give our children and dear friends is often what we need to hear too. This sage advice from the remarkable people at @afteraliceltd (who consistently delight me with their thoughtful gifts for science minded girls of all ages) speaks to spre
torresk: Hace 17 años Fosky llegó a nuestras vidas y asumió el nombre de Jonathan Sebastián III. Fue un gran compañero, pero todo se acaba... Te echaremos de menos! #sebastianthecat #casagambalinos
[e-aprendizaje]: lindacq
parklartatar: PanZA