marcialc: "Everybody carries a piece of the puzzle. Nobody comes into your life by mere coincidence. Trust your instincts. Do the unexpected. Find the others." ~ Timothy Leary (Born October 22, 1920) Rest is one of the hardest lessons I am learning. Going to bed be
marcialc: "Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare." Audre Lorde wrote those words in the essay "A Burst of Light," introducing self-care, not as a beauty strategy, rather as permission, at the deep
marcialc: "Be open to everything and attached to nothing." - Wayne Dyer When @lisa_bailey_sullivan shared this, one of her favorite quotations, a few weeks ago, it landed in my heart and keeps repeating in my head. While the lesson isnt always simple to practice, i
marcialc: This sketch was drawn by @nicolasvsanchez using a color ballpoint pen, the Bic in the photo. 👆Wow. Whenever I'm feeling stuck, I remind myself of his work and feel the sensation of breaking through a pool's surface, making this sketch my very f
marcialc: be silly. be honest. be kind. To all the people. Including yourself. My mantra for this coming week, then all of October. You too? I've been short on silly for too long. You too? 😂💙💫 #besilly #behonest #bekind #kindness #honesty #sill
marcialc: Who's that walking out of Fancy Pencil Land without a new pencil, or even an autographed photo of BTS? It's my mom, who undoubtedly has on her, at least one of her custom mini pencils with signature cap-type white erasers, in her jeans, tucked into a deep
marcialc: Sporting my vintage 1984 Wisconsin Hoofer's Outing Club tee, The Wonder made my day infront of the newly fancy boathouse on Lake Mendota at the UW Madison Student Union. To round our the surreal visit, we met up with a friend from 7th grade in St. Louis w
marcialc: Broida Brothers' was my maternal grandfather's business for decades. In the heart of Saint Louis, across from what's now the City Museum, he and two Broida cousins were the clothing jobbers (think odd-lots of clothes and assorted stuff) for the area along
marcialc: Broida Brothers' was my maternal grandfather's business for decades. In the heart of Saint Louis, across from what's now the City Museum, he and two Broida cousins were the clothing jobbers (think odd-lots of clothes and assorted stuff) for the area along
marcialc: Silly, Belgium, Tricks are for kids! (For the young people, that's a reference to a long ago commercial for sugary breakfast cereal, Tricks, that surely never sold in Belgium.)🐇 The clock sits on the wall of @angadartshotel alongside many other cl
marcialc: It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are. e.e. cummings No wonder this sh*t is so hard. No wonder I'm exhausted every night for the first time in possibly forever. This is digging through the muck work, looking at the skeletons and figuri
marcialc: When we are asleep in this world, we are awake in another. - Salvador Dali Several mornings ago BluesBoy said he was having a deja vu-esque feeling, more like a Dali painting in that it was offkilter, realistic and abstract simultaniously. That lead to a
marcialc: Today was the birthday of B.B. King. The blues legend would have been 94 years old. I know this random fact because it's my son's birthday too. Early on I jokingly called him B.B. (Blues Boy) Conner because of this date. How unexpected to find at my mom's
marcialc: Hold Tight. To your kids. To your mom. To your friends. To your dreams. To your boundaries. To your priorities. To your humor. To your perspective. To your belief there's a reason for everything even if you havent a f*ing inkling what that might be. These
marcialc: Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end. ~Author Unknown Each day since seeing this on a refrigerator almost a week ago I've reminded myself this might be true, that it's in my power to believe it will be true, that it sound
marcialc: In addition to the already impressive Trader Joe's checkout staff's quickness and humor lives the superpower to recognize a woman who thought she adequately hid her lack of sleep and temporarily dried tears, adding to her recycled bag a bouquet of flowers
marcialc: "Life does not put things in front of you that you are unable to handle." Author unknown. I used to believe this, yet recently I've had my doubts as someone I've lived with for years has cracked under the weight of the awfulizing she does over most everyt
marcialc: Saying no to things that make you feel like shit is a heroic act of self-love. - @thefemalewarhol (via Consider this a reminder for both you and me. Pinky swear? #justsayno #selflove #fly #thefemalewarhol #insight #billboardwisdom #sig
marcialc: 🔲 Most comfortable chair. 🔲 Least comfortable chair. 🔲 Tired as f*ck of Ikea when we're not even buying furniture today. 🔲 You want me to smile? I'll show you a smile. :black_
marcialc: You wanna fly, you got to give up the shit that weighs you down. Toni Morrison, 1931-2019 Here's to lightening your load. #tonimorrison #simplify #shit #fly #perspective #quote #quotestoliveby #lightenyourload #womanist #wordsofwisdom #ineedarainbow
marcialc: "Run away from the hum-drum We'll go to a place that is safe from Greed, anger and boredom" Ready to run off to join the circus if only you could stomach their ethics? Since thinking about it myself I've noticed several posts from old friends seeking some
marcialc: wan·der verb ˈwän-dər to walk/explore/amble in an unplanned or aimless way with a complete openness to the unknown. That was my philosophy 30 years ago when serendipity brought me into a little-known software company that my mom thought sounded like a toi
marcialc: Fly. Trust. 💛@janemilesart .. Those words are kinda my mantra these days. In a similar way some people need to "see it to believe it," although others must first "believe it to see it" I've learned I'm better at jumping off the (proverbial) l
marcialc: It's a simple and generous rule of life that whatever you practice, you will improve. — Elizabeth Gilbert (@elizabeth_gilbert_writer) with amazing calligraphy by @linalulupaparie . Since embarking on our #WhatsNext journey, I've been practicing several b
marcialc: The knack of flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. ~Douglas Adams Today teenwonder & I met in-person people we've become friends with online. Sure it could have turned out badly, yet we took the risk (at an 80s-style mall, no le
marcialc: The knack of flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. ~Douglas Adams Today teenwonder & I met in person people we've become friends with online. Sure it could have turned out badly, yet we took the risk (at an 80s-style mall, no le
marcialc: Sometimes we need to shed our protective coat, lift ourselves up, and go on. The past few weeks I've danced with this lesson, two steps forward, one step back. Repeat. After what felt like forever, our house near Austin sold fast, we moved along what we'd
marcialc: "In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." George Orwell (Born June 25, 1903) Today's theme seemed to be deceit. Not lying in wait or lying in a hammock either. Flat out ass hattery. A gifted colleague who has written a heartfelt mem
marcialc: Here's to making the most of your intricate adaptive nuanced brain. May you use it to discern sense from nonsense, hope from hopeless, stretching from sticking. "Brainy" which was once hurled as an insult has become my favorite kindness. It is the "brain
marcialc: "Getting my ducks in a row." That's how I respond when asked what I'm working on. Teenwonder, having never heard the phrase before, asked what that means. "You know when you see a mama duck followed by a line of baby ducks? Well, it's not as easy for most