un arc en ciel dans le lavabo: the (full) moon & the star
un arc en ciel dans le lavabo: in my studio & for a friend
Applecyder: ifinallysewedsomething
TheParfaitCafe: 3x6 Diamond Blossom Quilt Block Rainbow
un arc en ciel dans le lavabo: have a beautiful Christmas week
During Quiet Time (Amy): Christmas Origami
littlecottonrabbits: flower mittens
escher is still alive: Don't think about all those things you fear
silverpebble2: Vintage dolls' house doily necklace
YesJess Knits: Senneh Knot
Applecyder: pretty little pouch swap round 2
The Sometimes Crafter: Three Little Pumpkins
un arc en ciel dans le lavabo: yes i sew. and i crochet, too
bcampbell_to: circle_one.jpg
monda loves...: thank you
littlecottonrabbits: finished one a day
the purl bee: August Mini Quilt: Piecing a Photograph
maize hutton: Vintage Hanky Curtain
monda loves...: Coffee Pot
BGelhausen: Christy's Larkspur tunic
linen&string: Front of table runner for Kristina
elizabeth of course: eight point star quilt 3
monda loves...: Paper cutting
IrenaS: Kiss the sky
Pillsbury.com: RECIPE: Mexican Vegetable Roll-Ups
un arc en ciel dans le lavabo: the one skein shawlette