TheParfaitCafe: Neutral and Not block for sleighd
TheParfaitCafe: Star Block Inspiration for Neutral and Not Bee
TheParfaitCafe: Diamond Dresden for the 4x5 Bee Quilt Block for aadnohrg
TheParfaitCafe: Diamond Dresden for the 4x5 Bee Quilt Block for Cmnthrds
TheParfaitCafe: Diamond Dresden for the 4x5 Bee Quilt Block for A Prairie Sunrise
TheParfaitCafe: Diamond Dresden for the 4x5 Bee Quilt Block for TheCraftyBlackbird
TheParfaitCafe: Diamond Dresden for the 4x5 Bee Quilt Block for Jenniffier
TheParfaitCafe: Double Pointed No Applique Dresden Quilt Block
TheParfaitCafe: Double Pointed No Applique Dresden Quilt Block
TheParfaitCafe: 3.5" Quilt Block for the Bitty Block Committee
TheParfaitCafe: 3.5" Quilt Block for the Bitty Block Committee *SENT*
TheParfaitCafe: 3.5" Quilt Block for the Bitty Block Committee *SENT*
TheParfaitCafe: 3.5" Quilt Block for the Bitty Block Committee
TheParfaitCafe: 100 Quilts for Kids Quilt Along
TheParfaitCafe: 100 Quilts for Kids Quilt Along
TheParfaitCafe: Little Misters' Loot from Mitsuwa
TheParfaitCafe: Embroider-Bee for Laura VanVleet
TheParfaitCafe: Embroider-Bee for Living my sweet life
TheParfaitCafe: Embroider-Bee for Jennspen
TheParfaitCafe: Embroider-Bee for {safieh}
TheParfaitCafe: The Cupcake Swirl Poof Headband
TheParfaitCafe: Thomas the Tank Engine (Train) Costume
TheParfaitCafe: Thomas the Tank Engine (Train) Costume
TheParfaitCafe: 3x6 Diamond Blossom Quilt Block Complete
TheParfaitCafe: 3x6 Diamond Blossom Quilt Block Rainbow
TheParfaitCafe: 3x6 Quilt Block Diamond Blossom for meg_norrell
TheParfaitCafe: 3x6 Quilt Block Diamond Blossom for KarinKajsa
TheParfaitCafe: 3x6 Quilt Block Diamond Blossom for woodbines creep
TheParfaitCafe: House Quilt Blocks - Wanna swap or Bee or something!?
TheParfaitCafe: 4x5 Quilt Block Hexagon Ring All Finished!