The Library of Congress: Steam locomotives in the roundhouse of the Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Scenic Railroad in Durango, Colorado (LOC)
Paul R. Sanchez: Blue Lakes, Breckenridge, Colorado
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Richtpt (Rich Uchytil): Crazy Sunset Sky
Richtpt (Rich Uchytil): You have to plug it in, Al
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Richtpt (Rich Uchytil): 2018 Rose Parade
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J.Briol Images: Portland Rose Festival Parade
J.Briol Images: Portland Rose Festival Parade
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Richtpt (Rich Uchytil): Band ready to play
Richtpt (Rich Uchytil): Band is ready!
Richtpt (Rich Uchytil): Band President Christine
Richtpt (Rich Uchytil): Directors Laughing
Richtpt (Rich Uchytil): Tawnya on the podium
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Richtpt (Rich Uchytil): Crater Lake, Oregon