Baloulumix: Rue de Châteaudun, Paris, France 2019
Tim Nicol: Yellow-headed Blackbird
Mathew Malwitz: American Robin
Drew Hamilton: polar bear-72
shimmer5641: Many-colored Rush Tyrant / Tyranneau omnicolore
Robert Dennis Photography: Through the leaves
FotoRequest, Ontario, Canada: Pied Kingfisher in Flight [Explored]
Graella: Holding
xelea: The autumn in my hands
Montse Menes: El rojo como protagonista
Marga CM: Los adornos de navidad
Squitx: Navidad gatuna
Maryse Hébert: Pluvier Semipalmé(Explore)
howccp-Alannah: Common Sandpiper
wjpostma: Full speed in flight action
Derbyshire Harrier: Alycidon At Newcastle Central "Explored"
Coless66: Stillness (Explore)
Dave Massey Photography: Morning Mists at Brothers Water
cruso2: _DM35146
s-elina: he wouldn't cry for you
Kasia Bukowska: Purple-edged Copper (Lycaena hippothoe)
Jonatan Alonso: Scrambled (BIZKAIA)
Alicja Zmysłowska: Autumn Friends!
JOP-76: looks like a fish
Jerry_a: Battle Royale
Kevin James54: Great Blue Heron