Glenn Cartmill: On The Beach...
Urbexthis: Drain
gerard1972: Drum Bridge Winter Ducks
slippyvex: Die Kirche im Dorf (lassen) - "Let the church in the village" - lol
Belfast-Jim: Harland and Wolfe
gsz: View from the parapet, Church of the Most Holy Trinity/St. Mary's, Brooklyn
benchorizo: New Day
Brian E Kushner: Total Lunar Eclipse December 21, 2010
Joshua Cripps: Adraga Allusions (Explored Front Page - Thank You!)
benchorizo: Neon Dragon
armagh-sean: Flower
JulesCanon: 4th July Celebrations
Bill McEwan: Jade Dragon
bichocu: Akamani
wizz1967: CRUSADERS F.C
EDGE OF REALITY IMAGES: Mists of Halloween
sandrajkammerer: The American Falls "Beauty at Night"
gsz: 2010 Dumbo Arts Festival
gsz: Bring to Light / Nuit Blanche, Greenpoint, Brooklyn, October 2010
mliebenberg: Lytham NRLI Jetty
B℮n: A sentinel Alpine Chough on the lookout
alastair.stockman: Harland and Wolff, Belfast Shipyard
Corica: Sunset at the Mount
alpenglowtravelers: Glow Above, Glow Below by Nina
Robert de Ruvo: Sliky stones
notavegan: Emmitsburg Sunrise
JaneChannon: Reflections