cheroberta123: "C'mon....what do you mean you have never had a bad hair day?"
Michael Skelton: "I like my pink bill!"
BobButcher: Frank's view of the world...
petefeats: Pale-headed Rosella
ZwedeInExile: Blue moon
tammyjq41: Pink dream
Al Meilan: TriColored Heron #7
JuttaMK: he's looking at you...
JuttaMK: what does it do?
JuttaMK: night time 's the right time...
Musicaltone: red kite
carolOnline: Open wide
carolOnline: Bobsey Twins
Greg.Magee: this is your bird brain on drugs
jessi.bryan: Flying High by the Olympics
Jeanie's Pics: Malachite
carolOnline: Jake happy to sit for camera
carolOnline: Jake, once again
Team Hymas: Redwinged Blackbird (2010)
carolOnline: Thru the Looking Glass
carolOnline: Interested in the camera
carolOnline: Jake sends his love
petefeats: Fledgling Figbird Feeding
JuttaMK: pining for the wild (me that is ;-) )
JuttaMK: Stand up for Rhino
JuttaMK: Out of Africa
JuttaMK: still life