tammyjq41: Hanging on
tammyjq41: I have bought a new house and Lou and I have been super busy. Sorry I haven't been on here lately. I hope everyone is doing well.
tammyjq41: Preening
tammyjq41: Devotion
tammyjq41: The Beauty of pink
tammyjq41: Sichuan Takin
tammyjq41: Say you love me
tammyjq41: What does he think of me?
tammyjq41: I just loved peacocks in the snow
tammyjq41: I sure hope he is awake tomorrow
tammyjq41: I can not wait to see them again tomorrow
tammyjq41: Columbus Zoo last year and we are here again!
tammyjq41: All alone
tammyjq41: Lovely
tammyjq41: pink on a sunny day
tammyjq41: Beautiful
tammyjq41: Gorgeous day
tammyjq41: daffodils in bloom
tammyjq41: Last Fall
tammyjq41: Some flowers from last summer
tammyjq41: A Handsome Bachelor
tammyjq41: My Saturday project.
tammyjq41: Glowing mushrooms
tammyjq41: My entire garden.
tammyjq41: Another view of the garden
tammyjq41: Another view from the other side of the garden
tammyjq41: My garden
tammyjq41: Happy Earth Hour
tammyjq41: Gorgeous bobcat
tammyjq41: sleepy little guy