Retrotech: Lamp
bionerd23 ☢: SiC christmas disco
bionerd23 ☢: like a phoenix (god wears a lab coat)
bionerd23 ☢: neuroses for you (human hand with rose x-ray radiograph)
bionerd23 ☢: "bloedsinn mit loetzinn" x-ray radiograph
bionerd23 ☢: bitchslapped x-ray radiograph
zenandshinyobjects: Before and After
muppetcakes: irradiated
bionerd23 ☢: dear diary, today i am writing to you...
bionerd23 ☢: barium radiograph of human hand (x-ray image)
hans s: Radium!
bionerd23 ☢: uranocircite uranium mineral
bionerd23 ☢: stalker's delight
bionerd23 ☢: pripyat zombie bumper cars
bionerd23 ☢: and here comes dark
bionerd23 ☢: directional
bionerd23 ☢: chernobyl 2012: 26 years after the 26th of april 1986
bionerd23 ☢: chernobyl NPP
bionerd23 ☢: nuclear sunrise in guarapari, brasil
bionerd23 ☢: radioactive beach sand, up close.
harmonicgeometry: Sacred Geometry Equilateral triangle art 02
bionerd23 ☢: clawing the spikes
bionerd23 ☢: mercury nuke
guano: Augustine volcano lava flows - March 10, 2006 (photo Rick Wessels AVO/USGS)
Eric Brandwine: IR_0023.jpg
Eric Brandwine: Ceiling Fan
Ashy B: psilocybin
bionerd23 ☢: finding me atoms