bionerd23 ☢:
picking up toxic waste
bionerd23 ☢:
poking toxic waste
bionerd23 ☢:
if i should fall from grace with god
bionerd23 ☢:
toxic waste processing
bionerd23 ☢:
road racer || humanXroadbike hybrid anatomy
bionerd23 ☢:
just a pedal to the metal
bionerd23 ☢:
humanXroadbike hybrid anatomy
bionerd23 ☢:
humanXroadbike hybrid anatomy
bionerd23 ☢:
cleats and knee - do my shoes fit?
bionerd23 ☢:
campagnolo record hub
bionerd23 ☢:
bicycle x-ray
bionerd23 ☢:
friction shifters x-ray
bionerd23 ☢:
cogs & derailleur x-ray
bionerd23 ☢:
Chernobyl 2015 - control room of the reactor
bionerd23 ☢:
Chernobyl 2015 - control room of the reactor
bionerd23 ☢:
Chernobyl 2015 - the golden corridor
bionerd23 ☢:
Chernobyl 2015 - RBMK reactor control room, operator console
bionerd23 ☢:
Chernobyl 2015 - control room, RBMK reactor channels
bionerd23 ☢:
Chernobyl 2015 - RBMK reactor channels, pressure gauges
bionerd23 ☢:
Chernobyl 2015 - RBMK reactor fuel channels
bionerd23 ☢:
Duga-3 / Дуга-3, the Russian Woodpecker / Chernobyl-2 radar site
bionerd23 ☢:
Duga-3 / Дуга-3, the Russian Woodpecker / Chernobyl-2 radar site
bionerd23 ☢:
Duga-3 / Дуга-3, the Russian Woodpecker / Chernobyl-2 radar site
bionerd23 ☢:
Duga-3 / Дуга-3, the Russian Woodpecker / Chernobyl-2 radar site
bionerd23 ☢:
Duga-3 / Дуга-3, the Russian Woodpecker / Chernobyl-2 radar site
bionerd23 ☢:
climbing and exploring Duga-3 / Дуга-3, the Russian Woodpecker / Chernobyl-2 radar site
bionerd23 ☢:
climbing and exploring Duga-3 / Дуга-3, the Russian Woodpecker / Chernobyl-2 radar site
bionerd23 ☢:
climbing and exploring Duga-3 / Дуга-3, the Russian Woodpecker / Chernobyl-2 radar site
bionerd23 ☢:
climbing and exploring Duga-3 / Дуга-3, the Russian Woodpecker / Chernobyl-2 radar site
bionerd23 ☢:
climbing and exploring Duga-3 / Дуга-3, the Russian Woodpecker / Chernobyl-2 radar site