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eYe_image: West Side Book Shop
pacoseva4: estallido
jilllian2: Prismatic light
Katarina 2353: Sun on the rocks
Jampu: Picaflor de Arica
der_peste (on/off): May I, Fly?
Jan.Timmons: The energy of a walk
Alain Daigle: Pluvier semipalmé \ Semipalmated Plover
billoddie3: Little Owl Juveniles Athene Noctua
billoddie3: Kingfisher Alcedo Atthis
Thy Photography: Eurasian Wigeon
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: NASA Flights Map Summer Melt of Greenland Land Ice
Fabrice Le Borgne Photographies: Quelques instants de répit pour le Men Ruz ...
A Great Capture: Sailing Lake Ontario
Jan.Timmons: In the moment today
mcfeelion: 2017 Bike 180: Day 133 - Two Bridges
billoddie3: Little Owl Athene Noctua
billoddie3: Kingfisher Alcedo Atthis
Jan van der Wolf: Buildling with blue and white
Rodemil Jose: Amanecer Tardio
ristic.vedran42: Stargazing
Jorge A Jorge: Ray of Light
chassamax: Two towers and a Lady - New York - USA
Jan van der Wolf: Facade of the ICC in the Hague
der_peste (on/off): What are you staring at?