tat2dqltr: Then and now
tat2dqltr: "Between The Trees"
edgarandron - Busy!: Fall Colors
tat2dqltr: Just a touch of cheer
Janet 59: Sunset
tat2dqltr: Sweetest cuddles
tat2dqltr: ever the perfect model
tat2dqltr: So elegant
edgarandron - Busy!: Our Gracie is a calendar girl! 005 (2)
tat2dqltr: "I want that!"
tat2dqltr: The morning sun shining through
tat2dqltr: "Why am I the sidekick??"
tat2dqltr: "Back To Front 2020"
Janet 59: Gorgeous sky
tat2dqltr: "See anything?"
tat2dqltr: stretching for tummy rubs
tat2dqltr: Favorite three blocks
Janet 59: The river is rising!
tat2dqltr: "Purple Patchwork"
Janet 59: AT LAST!
tat2dqltr: Her new nickname is Squish
tat2dqltr: The new trend
tat2dqltr: "Wrapped In Red"
tat2dqltr: We all need a hug now and then
tat2dqltr: My silly girl
Janet 59: Comfort food
tat2dqltr: I just walked in the room to find her like this
alisab29: Christmas at Kew
Evoljo: Open Wide
tat2dqltr: Again, just when I think I've seen them at their cutest