*Photofreaks*: M S C _ M A G N I F I C A
François Brrs: RooftopsSunset
François Brrs: JumpingSalmon#2
François Brrs: TheMarket
Marcelo Fernández Bravo: A Coruña, Muxiá
François Brrs: aMomentInLife
kristof4444: Matin brumeux
Lanfeust84: Deads'tree
pascalcolin1: Derrière le tourniquet
pascalcolin1: Au bout du doigt
OR_U: ... Never reaching the end
@Pelseb: SP2_5461
Emilio Gabriel: Karate Kid
mout1234: On a tiré sur la Lune !
Nico Zumstein: Maskavas forštate
jrockar: dry cleaners
hernanpba: Subway
mguegan: Heaven's Gate
desomnis: underground impressions
joantimpanaro: Sunset in the road.
joantimpanaro: Happinest.
Andrea's dreams: Just WILD.
Andrea's dreams: We've come too far to give up who we are...So let's raise the bar, and our cups to the stars..
Andrea's dreams: El amor deja de tener sentido cuando se siente.
Andrea's dreams: Sólo unos segundos.
emvri85: Lever de soleil sur la pointe des Corbeaux #1 ~ Île d'Yeu [ Vendée ~ France ]
sdc_foto: The news have to fit exactly