Tim Lindstedt: Autumn Road
MRCPH: River of people
couscousdelux: Barcelona street
Maybii: Braid
-Marci-: ... arriverà qualcuno che si siederà al suo posto?
RominikaH: 1,2,3,4.
ThisguycalledLenny: Sustainable entertainment
Ink Heart: La neve se ne frega.
Arsenio Bitritto: soul's flower
Tammy Wilson (T.Wilson Photography): a grandmother's quit and beautiful girl...
Tammy Wilson (T.Wilson Photography): where are we going????
Barb_C: ODC - Candlelight 1
ba.dev: Uhm...
ba.dev: Starbucks
Lisa-Mari: 59/365 : Milk and cookies
Oscar von Bonsdorff: Peafowl Portrait
David Martin Castan: Mickey´s House, Disneyland Paris
James R.D. Scott: Siam Reap, Cambodia
James R.D. Scott: Long Snouted Spinner Dolphins - Tañon Strait, Philippines
olvwu | 莫方: Sky Lantern Releasing 放天燈
peggyhr: A golden SP