LuisBeltrán: Paris#3
Chopak: Lucas
Chopak: the hollow man
h.koppdelaney: Crow and Tree - Heaven and Earth in Winter
h.koppdelaney: Lost Time
h.koppdelaney: Raven Queen
...marta: summer cup
HanaS.: rainy day
SunnyMarry: Empty place and empty heart.
SunnyMarry: Cosmetic surgery for our society
Pete Foley: In the Pink
Martine Roch: the sweet talker - le beau parleur
Sigi K ॐ: african princess
melepix: It's Just Perfect!
batabidd: Gran Via
batabidd: Thumping
batabidd: Ju-on
Günter Körtner: smoke on the water
panigor: the end of the poem