Barbara * busy bee:
Reflections in Workhouse Lake!
Trinimusic2008 -blessings:
Looking at the skyline on a bleak day
Tambako the Jaguar:
Iron observing
Lens and Shutter:
Dried fishes in a Philippine public market.
Trinimusic2008 -blessings:
A gift that I appreciate
Rana Pipiens:
Straining towards the Low Sun. Grey Heron, Ardea cinerea, Abcoude, The Netherlands
♥ Percy 59 ♥:
Gabbiani riflessi
Elliot Margolies:
Autumn trees in Connecticut
Barbara * busy bee:
A gosling exploring!
D@nnyR Photogr@phics:
Trinimusic2008 -blessings:
Ottavia's cactus plant
Suzy Unyink:
yellow frangipani
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