MT...: L1023288
Ann LT: Flowers for a Friday afternoon…
FreeMax0207: 大洗磯前神社
guachintona07: Bujías
guachintona07: Blanquito
moonrider11: The Winged Victory of Samothrace at the Louvre, Paris.
Ricard Sánchez Gadea: Green reflection
Impatientpink: Maiko 1
Impatientpink: Still life 2. Roses 🌹
Impatientpink: Window1
guachintona07: Nadie a quién ladrar
Cecilia Gilabert: Bodegón de azahares
Bloui: Hair
Rene' Slack: MM - Brushes - I took several shots but something about the softness of this mascara brush takes me away
esterc1: Unlimited...
Inka56: Brushes
Hombre Del Gente 2: Autumn in Andalucia.
Carme MV Photography: Noviembre (1)
brookis-photography: Pushing The Envelope
guachintona07: Correcaminos
Carme MV Photography: Sierra de Huelva
giancarlo_darrigo: WHITE ON WHITE
robjvale: Counting Corrections (007/365)
In Memoriam: sephrocker: Macro Mondays - White on White Theme
magova: MM Rocks & Stones
Eva Hartley: A little piece of Etna (1342)
Gloria Sanvicente: A stone is ingrained with geological and historical memories.~ Andy Goldsworthy