lieslg: deciduous quilt
A Quilting Jewel: Modern Hexagon Quilt
sonnetofthemoon: pop garden hexagon quilt
Antípodas: Hexagon quilt
Don't Call Me Betsy: SewSewModern3 - Does this strike your fancy, partner?
mjandco: Hexie pillow #2. For my girl. Started about a year ago. These pillows remind me of so many friends & swaps. @sarahcostaphotography inspired the color scheme. @lucyandnorman's hexie pillow had the best quilting, & I know some fabrics are from her. Pieces f
badskirt: Sewing Room Swap - part 1
maychappell: OMG!! Gail made me black & white cookies! They are my mostest favorite cookies!
jaceycraft: Pouches, part two
ImAGingerMonkey: Inspired by @cynthiafrenette Christmas quilt wip - I'm making a rainbowy pillow
xx Nicke: Braaaaaaiinnnssssssss!!!!!! @jaceynotjc @alittlegressica #deadyourself #walkingdead
i don't do dishes...: Back of the backpack. I purchased adjustable strap hardware, and then couldn't find it today, do I just sewed them in place and covered the ends with a cute applique :-)
i don't do dishes...: First #tinkertote panel! Pink marine vinyl for the base.
maureencracknell: Applique Art Quilt -- Butterfly Details
traceyjay: Roundhouse
pink chalk studio: Solid coordinates for Hand Drawn Garden by Anna Maria Horner
redquilt: Pearl Bracelet quilt
BlueElephantStitches: Shelburne Cross Quilt
IssabellaTheCat: Fairytale Forest quilt close up
verykerryberry: Strawberry Fields Forever
Fresh Lemons : Faith: Aye Aye Captain Quilt
verykerryberry: Mini Dumplings
sewsweetness: Typewriters Dress
the purl bee: Laura's Loop: Bobble Sheep Pillow
GoldWillow: A quick little table runner
GoldWillow: Washi Pillow
traceyjay: Scrappy sprouts
lauriewis | Laurie Wisbrun: Bzzzz! Cutting Bright and Buzzy for a giveaway on my blog later today. @robertkaufman
Cut To Pieces: Outside the Temple