A Quilting Jewel: Made this triple zip pouch for my mom's birthday. It's a good thing I made this a while ago because I haven't sewn a stitch in almost a month given the craziness of work. Just a couple more weeks to get past this hurdle and I can breath a bit easier. #tri
A Quilting Jewel: It's done! I'm calling this one "Alternate Way" because it is made up of leftover blocks from another quilt and is arranged in an alternate way. I love this cutie. #paperpiecing #aquiltingjewelquilts #miniquilt #modernquilting
A Quilting Jewel: An April Fools snowstorm meant I was able to finish my "Stumped" quilt just in time for the #BostonMQG quilt show. This is for our #improvquilting mini challenge. I love how this quilt turned out and just might have to make more improv quilts. #modernquil
A Quilting Jewel: More flying geese!!! I just can't help myself. They're so fun to make. I'm loving this color combo. #mqgsewday #paperpiecing #flyinggeese
A Quilting Jewel: I love that #nationalquiltingday is during the #BostonMQG retreat. I whipped together this improv mini quilt today for our mini quilt challenge. I will probably do some sort of circular quilting with it. #aquiltingjewelquilts #showusyourmqg #improvquiltin
A Quilting Jewel: My first finish of the #BostonMQG retreat! I'm working on a series of flying geese quilts and am already in love with this one. Pondering quilting options now... #showusyourmqg #aquiltingjewelquilts #paperpiecing #flyinggeese #modernquilting
A Quilting Jewel: Ready to turn these beautiful flying geese into something awesome. #BostonMQG #showusyourmqg
A Quilting Jewel: As I sit here, at my desk, waiting for IT to finish reimaging my computer, I'm dreaming of getting back to quilting this beauty. I just love running my hands over the densely quilted part. Matchstick quilting is so amazing. I'm debating leaving the mustar
A Quilting Jewel: You guys! I'm kind of sad that this is the final month of the #kaleidoscopebom. I do love this block though. How cool would it be repeated, but in a scrappy look? #paperpiecing #aquiltingjewelquilts
A Quilting Jewel: Finished my #michaelmillerchallenge quilt just in before the #quiltcon deadline. Introducing Luxe Rebellion. I fussy cut the blue to create a fun effect that's a little hard to see here, but I love how the fabric pushed my creativity. Expect patterns for
A Quilting Jewel: And it's done! Introducing "Quilter's DNA." I absolutely love this quilt. Everything about it is me - from the colors to the geometric, unique design. #aquiltingjewelquilts #michaelmillerfabrics #cottoncouture #paperpiecing #modernquilt
A Quilting Jewel: Oh man that #quiltcon deadline is sneaking up on me. Time to get this #michaelmillerchallenge quilt quilted and bound. #mqgsewday #handiquilter #longarmquilting
A Quilting Jewel: Just trimmed this bad boy. All that's left to do is bind it today. This quilt has been a labor of love and I can't wait to put that final stitch in. #mqgsewday #aquiltingjewelquilts #paperpiecing
A Quilting Jewel: Check out just some of the awesome blocks made in my paper piecing class with the Proper Bostonian Quilter's today. They did an awesome job and I think we have some converts to paper piecing. #dazzlingdiamonds #paperpiecing
A Quilting Jewel: This block looks so cool repeated. That's what I love about these #kaleidoscopebom blocks. They can totally stand on their own. #aquiltingjewelquilts #paperpiecing
A Quilting Jewel: Why hello there November. You sure came quick (and with some cold weather to boot). But that just means it's time for the November #kaleidoscopebom I love how unique this block is. #paperpiecing #aquiltingjewelquilts
A Quilting Jewel: My Confetti quilt is back from #QuiltfestOasis with a ribbon that so perfectly matches the quilt. #proud
A Quilting Jewel: Yay! I'm so excited to have finished a quilt. Introducing Dancing At Dusk, my latest quilt and pattern. The full story and a link to the pattern is up on my blog today! #aquiltingjewelquilts #paperpiecing #michaelmillerfabrics #aurifil
A Quilting Jewel: Bentley approves of the pillow I got in the #BostonMQG pillow swap. Thanks Emily!
A Quilting Jewel: Thanks @duringquiettime for coming to talk to the Boston MQG today. Loved seeing all of your quilts. #intentionalquilting
A Quilting Jewel: A little machine quilting with some football. Sometimes you just need some simple straight line quilting to finish a quilt. #aquiltingjewelquilts #machinequilting #michaelmillerfabrics #aurifil
A Quilting Jewel: My confetti quilt won honorable mention at Quiltfest Oasis Modern Quilt Competition. I'm super excited! Looks like a great show if you're in Palm Springs this weekend.
A Quilting Jewel: Here's the second block in this month's #kaleidoscopebom I love the movement in this one! #aquiltingjewelquilts
A Quilting Jewel: You guys!!!! Look what @wifemomcreator made from my dazzling diamonds pattern! This is stunning! I love it. Repost from @wifemomcreator
A Quilting Jewel: Happy October! While it may mean fall is really here, it also means it's time for a couple more #kaleidoscopebom blocks. The colors here are my favorite out of all the blocks. #aquiltingjewelquilts #paperpiecing
A Quilting Jewel: Absolutely loving the quilting here. It's so fun! But now I'm stumped on what to do in the background. Time to sketch on paper before moving to the quilt. #aquiltingjewelquilts #longarmquilting #handiquilter
A Quilting Jewel: Third block is done. Just one more to go and then I can figure out the layout. #aquiltingjewelquilts #cottoncouturesolids #paperpiecing
A Quilting Jewel: Loaded up this quilt and got stared in quilting it on #mqgsewday this morning. Now it's time for the Patriots and and afternoon of football. #aquiltingjewelquilts #cottoncouturesolids
A Quilting Jewel: Second block done. I'm loving how easy these go together. No seams to match except the center too, which makes piecing so easy. Two more to go. #aquiltingjewelquilts #paperpiecing #cottoncouturesolids
A Quilting Jewel: First block done. This is going to be fun! #aquiltingjewelquilts #paperpiecing