Marci Girl Designs: Log Cabin Block 2 - Quilting newBEES
riavandermeulen: african flower blanket
DeepSeaPurl: IMG_1394_2
bheuer: Second Beach.
bheuer: Gasworks Park.
bheuer: Top Pot Doughnuts
Mr. Tender Branson: My Version of ET would involve this guy
dgiunta: 130/365 - Summer Nights
bheuer: No. 57
Jamie1002: angus6
LulaLouise: Dress2863
Mr. Tender Branson: Fahrenheit...before the fifteen year olds got the social anxiety treatment.
bheuer: Mama has a new pair of shoes...
bheuer: It is a rainy one out there.
bheuer: The leaves on the beach are now frozen into the sand
Yara: Pipoca
Small Fox in a Big World: doll quilt finished