dgiunta: One hundred and thirty-five.
dgiunta: One hundred and thirty-four.
dgiunta: One hundred and thirty-three. Happiest of birthdays to this gem of a life partner. ❤️
dgiunta: One hundred and thirty-two. One last hike before we go.
dgiunta: Fresh tomatoes on the vine for Becca-lu!
dgiunta: upload
dgiunta: upload
dgiunta: upload
dgiunta: One hundred and thirty-one. #lastnightiniceland
dgiunta: upload
dgiunta: #beccaplusdave
dgiunta: #beccaplusdave eccaplusdave
dgiunta: upload
dgiunta: One hundred and thirty.
dgiunta: 11pm
dgiunta: Becca made more horse friends today
dgiunta: upload
dgiunta: One hundred and twenty-nine.
dgiunta: Musical art in the mountains.
dgiunta: upload
dgiunta: upload
dgiunta: One hundred and twenty-eight.
dgiunta: upload
dgiunta: #secretbeach
dgiunta: upload
dgiunta: #floaties
dgiunta: One hundred and twenty-seven. #secretbeach
dgiunta: #horseingaround
dgiunta: #horseingaround
dgiunta: #wheresbecca