imstillme: big blue
Ted Holm Photography: Standing in the waves, watching the sun melt into the horizon, a fleeting moment of magic that graces the world just once a day
seppomie: Garrulus glandarius - Eurasian jay
koen_jacobs: Crossings
sandrorotonaria: Angolo perennemente retto
Wj Mack: 1A1A1137
Maulamb: Gatti di sasso
Tomás Hornos: I Think That I'm Beginning to know Her
ATHOS TH.: Lake Como in October
Petja/Pieter: Chukar / חוגלת סלעים
margelisstathis: Beautiful day!
crasjc: Barrowland Glasgow
crasjc: Barrowland Glasgow
Wj Mack: 1A1A1155
Muschel44: Ende der Saison
Muschel44: Chrysanthemen
petershaw4: Sandpiper on Bamburgh beach.
RubénRamosBlanco: Amanecer del Guadiana
RubénRamosBlanco: Field sunrise
RubénRamosBlanco: Misty morning in the field
RubénRamosBlanco: Bustards in the mist
RubénRamosBlanco: Luces, sombras y nieblas