Maggggie: Swan for Dessert
kuusou: Kathleen_Verhetsel_ChickenOrTheEgg_4A_W2
beeboboop: DANIEL_ROODE_SuzaniSafari_4A_WK-2
iriarte_alejandra: ALE_IRIARTE_RADISH_4A_WK1
beeboboop: DANIEL_ROODE_RoodeRoots_4A_WK-1
New York Public Library: Tea House Garden at Tokyo
New York Public Library: Ruth St Denis with Edna Malone, Betty Horst and Doris Humphr...
New York Public Library: Ruth St. Denis and Ted Shawn in an out-of-doors photograph.
New York Public Library: Ruth St. Denis and Ted Shawn in an out-of-doors photo, in co...
New York Public Library: A mountain fiddler.
New York Public Library: [Man playing the tuba.]
New York Public Library: Ruth St. Denis in Radha.
New York Public Library: [Romanian shepherd.]
New York Public Library: [Ruthenian woman.]
New York Public Library: [Russian Cossacks.]
New York Public Library: [Lapland children, possibly from Sweden.]
New York Public Library: [German stowaway.]
New York Public Library: [Guadeloupean woman.]
orngejuglr: P1220692
Cornwall David 2: Dove In Flight
Michael J Lynch: mingling branches
Michael J Lynch: When Autumn Leaves Begin To Fall
Rosebud_03: Lake and Queen Anne Cottage at the Arboretum
Tim Ronca: Queen Anne Cottage
KeithJ: Music At The Arboretum