Feldore: The Boys are Back in Town
wayman2011: Misty / 2 .
stylebcn images: Lord of the Rings
Kangaroobie...: On The Thames River: Southwark Bridge London UK
JSE photographies: Auprès de mon arbre...
<FloG>: Pic du Lion (2102m) - lundi 29 juillet 2013
<FloG>: Low Key Deuch with Holga
<FloG>: Et c'est reparti !
Linda Pierson: September 2013 2755 - Version 2
alan shapiro photography: What if Santa had a really bad year? EXPLORED 12-2-13
Twistedreload: I Can't Believe It
RedArt photographer: silence of the morning
RedArt photographer: 182727 - Shlomo Venezia (Salonicco, 29 dicembre 1923 – Roma, 1º ottobre 2012)
RedArt photographer: Roma disappeared
Frank Fullard: Big and bearded
Frank Fullard: Watch your back
Dan Cronin^: Bay Street Steamer
Feldore: Korean War Memorial
Andy Kennelly: sculpted
* MauriceEtoile.com: I need a holiday :)
BennGunn2011: looking over grassholme
Anders N: Ville de Paris
wayman2011: Stainton