Gavin Mills Photography: Joe Connor Little
Gavin Mills Photography: little girl in the pub
Gavin Mills Photography: Back from Brazil
Gavin Mills Photography: Man at Kitamani Market
Gavin Mills Photography: Wan Chai Taxi Driver
Gavin Mills Photography: Taneh Lot , Bali
Gavin Mills Photography: Kitamani Market Lady
Gavin Mills Photography: Kitamani market lady
Gavin Mills Photography: Birdman of Panglipuri
Gavin Mills Photography: LFI Gallery - M9 Master Shots 21 . 3. 2014
Gavin Mills Photography: LFI Gallery - M9 Master Shots 23 . 3. 2014
Gavin Mills Photography: Waiting In Reception
Gavin Mills Photography: A Lady and a Melon
Gavin Mills Photography: watching the waves
Gavin Mills Photography: Balinese People - 7
Gavin Mills Photography: Look into my eyes
Gavin Mills Photography: where the streets have no name
Gavin Mills Photography: Balinese People -6
Gavin Mills Photography: Balinese People 5
Gavin Mills Photography: The Great Escape
Gavin Mills Photography: Balinese People - 4
Gavin Mills Photography: Search for Uni
Gavin Mills Photography: Balinese People 2
Gavin Mills Photography: Balinese People 2b