kevinx_98 (Kev Chapple): We DO know how to build a nice church....
kevinx_98 (Kev Chapple): Could almost be a scene from 'Darling Buds of May'.. Where's Ma Larkin? 😊
kevinx_98 (Kev Chapple): 2017-08-06_07-34-59
kevinx_98 (Kev Chapple): 2017-08-06_07-34-31
kevinx_98 (Kev Chapple): Over 1300 years old, and still standing..
kevinx_98 (Kev Chapple): And.. It's... Wet...
kevinx_98 (Kev Chapple): 20140905_151141
kevinx_98 (Kev Chapple): 20150530_093607
kevinx_98 (Kev Chapple): 20150530_093601
kevinx_98 (Kev Chapple): 20150526_124753
kevinx_98 (Kev Chapple): 20150524_103133
kevinx_98 (Kev Chapple): 20150516_104259
kevinx_98 (Kev Chapple): 20150516_104001
kevinx_98 (Kev Chapple): 20150513_060445
kevinx_98 (Kev Chapple): 20150504_154454
kevinx_98 (Kev Chapple): 20150504_132214
kevinx_98 (Kev Chapple): 20150504_131107
kevinx_98 (Kev Chapple): 20150504_125959
kevinx_98 (Kev Chapple): 20150504_125511
kevinx_98 (Kev Chapple): 20150503_154836
kevinx_98 (Kev Chapple): 20150503_144633
kevinx_98 (Kev Chapple): 20150314_134826
kevinx_98 (Kev Chapple): And tomorrow we shall try parallel parking.. (Don't hold ya breath)!!
kevinx_98 (Kev Chapple): Britain, Britain, Britain....
kevinx_98 (Kev Chapple): 20150423_133136
kevinx_98 (Kev Chapple): Ohhhh bucket..
kevinx_98 (Kev Chapple): 20150324_092058
kevinx_98 (Kev Chapple): Well.... There's 'having your own trainset', and there's 'having your own trainset'....