kevinx_98 (Kev Chapple): Some people are simply potty! Tea potty ☺
kevinx_98 (Kev Chapple): "I am sailing, I am sailing....". Occasionally, I grab a shot and I think 'Yeahhhh'. This is one of those shots ☺
kevinx_98 (Kev Chapple): 20150219_122951
kevinx_98 (Kev Chapple): Yep, something you'd only see in the countryside (and Thetford!)
kevinx_98 (Kev Chapple): Seems there must have been a serious incident where I walk my dog, as someone's been 'combing the area'....
kevinx_98 (Kev Chapple): Seems there must have been a serious incident where I walk my dog, as someone's been 'combing the area'....
kevinx_98 (Kev Chapple): Now I know exactly how Scott of the Antarctic felt, having walked on this Virgin snow! Except I didn't have a pack of horses with me. Or Sherpa's. Or tents. Or food supplies....
kevinx_98 (Kev Chapple): Although 'grown up', one never stops learning....
kevinx_98 (Kev Chapple): Vertical lines, in a horizontal world....
kevinx_98 (Kev Chapple): Is it wrong, for supermarkets to sell cold 'Hot Cross Buns'?!
kevinx_98 (Kev Chapple): Phew. Water level's dropped, and the tide's out..
kevinx_98 (Kev Chapple): For the people Tesco's DON'T like!!
kevinx_98 (Kev Chapple): Similar to 'Where's Wally?, this one is Called spot the Ninja'..
kevinx_98 (Kev Chapple): 'Parked' or abandoned?!
kevinx_98 (Kev Chapple): I'm sure some people see the 'white line' as a reference point to place the CENTRE of the car!! Dohhhhh!!
kevinx_98 (Kev Chapple): Ssshhhhhh, it's where the 'people of the corn' live....
kevinx_98 (Kev Chapple): or wooly jumpers?!
kevinx_98 (Kev Chapple): In a bid to increase funding, the National Health Service has now taken a radical move to sell blood, in 113g bags!! When interviewed, the Health Minister made this statement 'We regret it has come to this, but people simply cannot afford the 250g packs'!
kevinx_98 (Kev Chapple): When the fair people of Cornwall aren't driving their tractors!! (Parking FAIL). (Thanks to Ian Mayo, for this image) (c)
kevinx_98 (Kev Chapple): 2014-11-15 14.13.58
kevinx_98 (Kev Chapple): 2014-11-15 14.13.47
kevinx_98 (Kev Chapple): 2014-11-15 14.07.40
kevinx_98 (Kev Chapple): 2014-11-15 14.06.41
kevinx_98 (Kev Chapple): 2014-11-15 14.03.37
kevinx_98 (Kev Chapple): 2014-11-15 14.01.24
kevinx_98 (Kev Chapple): 2014-11-15 13.58.14
kevinx_98 (Kev Chapple): 2014-11-15 13.58.09
kevinx_98 (Kev Chapple): 2014-11-15 13.57.10
kevinx_98 (Kev Chapple): 2014-11-15 13.55.46
kevinx_98 (Kev Chapple): 2014-11-15 13.55.27